Ruling on performing Jumu`ah Prayer on the part of a person entrusted with a certain work that will be lost if he leaves it or he fears that it may be


Q 2: There is a man who works as a shepherd for someone in an area near the Masjids (mosques). This employer prevents him from performing Jumu`ah (Friday) Prayer claiming he is excused because he is guarding the sheep. What is the Islamic ruling on this matter? Should he continue not attending Jum'ah Prayer, although not obeying him implies the harm of the employee being deprived of his work?

A 2: Whoever is entrusted with a task that if left may result in some loss or theft, such as grazing sheep and guarding funds; they are excused for not attending neither Jumu`ah Prayer or congregational Prayer. If he needs this job and cannot find other work, there is no harm on him to continue in it. However, he should (Part No. 7; Page No. 91) perform Zhuhr (Noon) Prayer as usual, that is, four Rak`ahs (units of Prayer) at his workplace instead of Jumu`ah Prayer.May Allah grant us success. May Allah's peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and Companions!
